Team Up with Christ for St. Luke School

Donation Page | St. Luke School Auction

Donate to the Auction

How to Make a Donation

We appreciate your support! Here's how you can contribute. Either fill out the online donation form or the printed form:

  • Online Form: Quickly fill out our online form to donate an item or service.
  • Printed Form: Download and complete a printed form, then submit it with your donation.
  • Drop-off or Pick-up: Drop off your item at the front desk of St. Luke school, or if required indicate a pick-up location on the form.

Silent & Live Auction Items

We’re seeking items such as:

  • New household items
  • Gift baskets
  • Restaurant gift cards
  • Unique handmade items
  • Event tickets
  • Vacation packages and rentals
  • Sporting goods

Classroom Baskets

Each grade contributes to themed classroom baskets. Adriana Torres is coordinating this years themes and will share them soon. Be sure to participate in making your student's classroom basket a hit!

Easel Parties

Easel Parties offer unique experiences for guests. Hosting an easel party is a great chance to meet other St. Luke famalies and it counts toward your dontation. Simply fill out a donation form with the description and number of attendees and Anna Stenger will reach out to you. Some popular party themes from the past include:

  • Wine tasting nights
  • Cooking classes
  • Outdoor adventures
  • Art workshops

Dessert Donations

Donate your favorite dessert or sweet treat to be featured at our Dessert Table during the event. Gena Raines is looking for desserts made by St. Luke friends and famaliy for this year's event!

Reminder for Families

St. Luke families are encouraged to contribute at least one auction item (valued at $100) and one classroom basket item. Your contributions make a difference! If you are unable to make a donation of items, a cash donation ($150) will be applied on your behalf. Thank you for all your support!